When this phone has reached the end of its working life, all of its materials can be
recovered as materials and energy. To guarantee the correct disposal and reuse,
Nokia co-operates with its partners through a program called We:recycle. For
information on how to recycle your old Nokia products and where to find collection
sites, go to www.nokia-latinoamerica.com/reciclaje, or call the Nokia Contact Center.
Recycle packaging and user guides at your local recycling scheme.
For more information on the environmental attributes of your phone, go to
When you cooperate and deliver all these materials to one of the available collection
sites, you contribute in helping the environment and help to ensure the health of
future generations.
All electrical and electronic products, batteries, and accumulators may contain heavy
metals and other toxic substances and must be taken to their respective collection
sites at the end of their working life. Under no circumstances should you break open
a battery or other related materials. Do not dispose of these products as unsorted
municipal garbage, as this may cause severe impacts for the environment or human
health. All Nokia products are in compliance to the applicable industry international
production standards and to all requirements defined by the competent government
agencies. For more information on the environmental attributes of your phone, go
to www.nokia.com/ecoprofile.